News from the desk of Sheriff Potter


“Empowering the Future through Youth Engagement and Mentorship”
As your Sheriff, I am committed to fostering a safe and thriving community for all residents, and that includes our youngest members. The significance of engagement and mentoring young individuals cannot be overstated, as they represent the future of our county. Through various initiatives and programs, we at the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office are taking proactive steps to empower our youth, provide guidance and build positive relationships that will shape their futures.
Our most recent youth engagement efforts concluded with our Summer Event Series. These events offered an array of recreational and educational activities to keep our youth engaged and excited throughout the summer months. From sports to arts and crafts, we aim to offer a diverse range of experiences to help develop new skills and interests while promoting teamwork and relationship building.
The DCSO Cadet Program is another way through which we connect with young individuals throughout the county. The program provides an immersive opportunity for them to gain insight into law enforcement and public service. By participating in ride-alongs, simulations and training sessions, cadets develop a deep understanding of the responsibilities and challenges faced by law enforcement officers. This program not only educates but also instills a sense of duty and commitment to community service.
Safety is key, and our Teen Driver Challenge addresses this critical aspect of youth development. This program equips young drivers with essential defensive driving skills that can save lives. Through classroom education and hands-on training, teens learn to navigate real-world driving situations safely and confidently. We tend to host this program a few times per year, allowing more teens the opportunity to participate.
Education goes hand in hand with safety, and our collaboration with schools across the county plays a vital role. DCSO staff members work closely with educators and students, offering informative presentations on topics such as stranger danger, social media safety, and the harmful risks of substance abuse. By proactively addressing these issues, we empower our youth to make informed decisions and stay safe in an increasingly complex world.
Engaging with students on these topics has far-reaching benefits. Not only does it equip them with practical knowledge, but it also reinforces the message that law enforcement is their partner in life. By establishing positive interactions early on, we aim to build trust and break down any barriers that may exist between the community and law enforcement.
The role of our School Resource Deputies cannot be overstated. They serve as mentors, confidantes and advocates for our youth. Their presence within schools creates a safe environment where students can seek guidance and support from a friendly and familiar face. Our deputies actively contribute to ensure our young students feel heard, valued and empowered each day.
With all our youth programs and mentorship initiatives, our main goal is to create positive relationships with law enforcement. By offering guidance, promoting positive relations and fostering a sense of belonging, we aim to steer our youth toward productive futures. Through these efforts, we lay the foundation for a stronger, safer and more connected DeSoto County for years to come.

Be Kind, Be Safe and God Bless.

Sheriff Potter